Once again, I am proud and excited to join the international food blogging community in Menu for Hope. Organized by Chez Pim, this fundraising event to benefit the United Nations World Food Programme is a wonderful opportunity to donate to a most worthy cause, and have a chance at scores of fantastic food-related prizes while you’re at it.
Last year’s Menu for Hope raised over $91,000 (!) and this year’s effort can surpass that extraordinary success, with your participation. Proceeds from this campaign will go to the WFP’s school lunch program in Lesotho, in southern Africa.
Each $10 you donate to Menu for Hope between now and December 24 gets you one chance on your choice of item(s) from a dazzling array of prizes offered by food bloggers around the world. The more you donate, the more virtual raffle tickets you earn and the greater your chances of winning.
You may bid on any prize(s) you like, but I hope you’ll consider mine:
Item #UW04: A $100 King Arthur Flour gift card
(calling all cooks: it’s not just for flour!)
The card can be used to make an online, telephone, or in-person purchase of anything King Arthur carries, including specialty flours, baking and cooking tools, and books. Don’t tell me you can’t think of $100 worth of stuff you’d love to have from there!
Now here’s what you do:
- Decide which prize(s) you would like to win. The code for my prize is UW04. Or browse the selection of other prizes and make a note of the codes of those that interest you.
- Go to the Menu for Hope page at FirstGiving to make a donation.
- In the Personal Message box on the donation form, specify how you’d like to “spend” your donation, at $10 per virtual raffle ticket. For example, for a $50 donation you could say “3xUW04 and 2xUW03.”
- If your employer has a matching gift program, please check that box and fill in the information so the corporate match can be claimed.
- Check the box allowing the Menu for Hope organizers to see your email address, so you can be contacted if you’re a lucky winner. Your address will not be shared with anyone else.
- Winners will also be announced on Chez Pim in January.
Chez Pim has the complete list of incredible prizes. You can also check out prizes at each regional host blog:
East Coast USA: Steamy Kitchen
Canada: Hooked on Heat
Europe and UK: Ms. Adventures in Italy
Asia Pacific, Australia, New Zealand: Tomato
Good luck, and thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity to benefit such a worthwhile program!
Oh my yes so much more than flour!
Good work for a very just cause, Susan! Way to go!!
It’s great to see so many people supporting Menu for Hope! Why is solving hunger an important issue for you?
Thank you, on behalf of the children who will receive this gift. Merry Christmas to you, and a happy 2009. Rea leboha.