Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world. — Howard Zinn
When: Saturday, April 2, 2011; 10 a.m. – 2 p. m.
Where: Dozens of locations in the Bay Area and nationwide. I will bake for the San Jose event at Roy’s Station (197 Jackson Street).
Who: Professional and amateur bakers, cooks, artists, artisans, and musicians coming together around food to make something BIG happen.
How: Want to help? We’ll need bakers, artists, volunteers, and lots and lots of customers. If you live in the South Bay, please send offers of help to Paige Bayer at . If you live somewhere else, check out the national event page to learn more about a bake sale in your area.
Why: So we can donate BIG BUCKS to Peace Winds Japan.
Good luck with the bake sale! The freaky thing is that I was just looking at a version of your top photo about an hour ago. I think it was a pair dish? It looked so cool the way it had been sliced. 🙂
What a great thing to do. I wish you all a great sale for Japan!
If I was in the area I would be helping out in a heart beat.
I hope it raises tonnes of money.