What burning bread questions are on your mind ? How do you know how long a dough should ferment? What is the ideal baking temperature? What is an Auvergnat and how do you shape it? In his book Bread Baking: An Artisan’s Perspective, Daniel DiMuzio lets us in on all of it.
This is a textbook, aimed at baking students. It is not a cookbook, although there are a few formulas. But if you’re a bread geek like me (come on, you can admit it), you will find plenty here to interest and inform. It is technical stuff, presented very clearly so even those of us who are not pros can make sense of it.
Chapter by chapter, DiMuzio, a baker and baking instructor, takes us through each step of the bread baking process: ingredient selection, mixing, fermentation (what is that yeast really up to in there?), shaping, proofing, and baking. He explains not only what to do, but why to do it. There is also a chapter about rich and laminated doughs, and one on how to create your own dough formula.
Courtesy of Dan and of publisher Wiley, I have a copy of this great book to give away. All you have to do is leave a comment here by 11:59 PM PST on Monday, April 13 for a chance in the random drawing. International entries are welcome in this one. Remember, you cannot win if you do not play!
I’m on a quest to make a terrific sourdough bread and am still mystified by my starter. I would love to understand what it needs, how it works, and why it is so tempermental some times!
i’ve been baking bread for years using commercial yeast. I recently discovered your blog and now have some sourdough starter bubbling away in my kitchen. I’d love to know what’s going on in there.
Thanks for your great blog and the opportunity.
Sounds like it’s right up my alley, though I never win these sorts of things.
I would love to have this.
Thanks so much
one would ask…what is the burning temp.?
I love your site, Susan, and I would love to have my name thrown into the ring for the book. I need all the help I can get! Thanks, again, for the wonderful site. I just love it! And I just can’t wait to try some of your recipes.
I would love to win this book. I love bread baking!
I’m in.
I like reading about bread and baker’s thoughts almost as much as I love baking bread, so this sounds like a book I would very much enjoy.
(And it’s why I love your blog!)
This sounds like an intense book! I’d love to win it.
I must win this one! please?
Sounds like an excellent book!
I’m sure this book would love a tropical life in the Cook Islands ( next door to Tahiti ). Count me in.
Yes, please count me in! I would love to have the book!
The only thing I like more than the history of food is the science, or the how and why, of food…especially bread. Thanks so much for the chance to win “Bread Baking.”
Now this sounds like fun. Who couldn’t do with another cookbook.
I knead it, I knead it! :^)
Yay Cookbooks! Or textbooks. “Yay Cookbooks” sounds more fun, so that’s what I’m sticking with.
Sounds like a great book to have. Maybe it’ll tell me why I can’t get a good rise in this house’s kitchen.
I should totally not be looking at your site during Passover! That book is making me salivate.
What a great looking book! Thanks for sharing it with us.
That’s my kind of reading. 😉
Me! Me! Pick me! Please?
I am a bread geek and definitely not afraid to admit it (also have a collection of yeast jokes, but they’re more academics/research oriented than baking).
The book sounds great!
I’ve been baking bread for four years learning almost purely by books. This book would be the perfect thirst quencher for my learning appetite! Please sign me in, thank you.
We should organize a bread-centric “eat-in” somewhere in the Bay Area! That’d be sweet 🙂
I’m learning about bread baking now, so this would really help.
I think this book could help me in my baking adventures! … placed side by side to the screwdrive I use to open my old oven 😉
I have a feeling that even if I don’t get the book now, I’d go and find it to buy it!
love the site, thanks!
I’m a bread-geek, too … can i have the book, pretty please?? 😀 I’ll send you pictures of the first bread i make with the knowledge from the book! 😀
I just found your blog and am really impressed, great recipes and links.
i’m very new to bread baking. actually, i had only ever made flatbreads and crackers before trying out your ciabatta.. which, of course, was a hit. and now i can truly say that i’m hooked for life – i haven’t bought bread at a shop for several months now (well except that one time while travelling).
looks like an excellent book. i’m not yet much of a bread geek – as mentioned, still new to all this – but am a huge food geek. i’d love this book ,)
I need all of the help I can get.
Yay for international give-aways. 🙂
Eeek!! Love your blog, love to bake, but oh… the math required to convert the measurements from metric to non-metric makes my head spin. I kindly request that you consider posting both versions of measurements for your recipes. Thanks!!
Would love to win Bread Baking: An Artisan’s Perspective, it would be a pleaseure to learn more as I’m so into bread baking; wanting to improve my bread and learn more!!
Nice to see how many bread geeks are out there… me too! The more I bake, the less I need formulas, and the more I want to understand.
Yes, I to am a bread geek. I just found your site and it is awsome. I want to understand why!
I want to get really good at baking bread. 🙂
I’m in…
That sounds like an interesting book…I bet I could really get into the “science” of bread.
Enjoy the baking and could use the science! Thanks.
Enter me in the contest also. Thanks! good blog.
heee… looks like a lot of people come out of hiding when you’re giving things away. 😉 I am a definite bread geek and would love to get my hands on that book. Thanks for everything you do, Susan!
I AM a bread geek, but could certainly use some hlep in the technical area. Looks like a great book. Susan, you are a star!
Susan, would you talk sometime about what kind of mixer you’re using… (maybe even a video?…)
Yesterday I made a Fruit Nut loaf, trying to bake something like the one they sell at Trader Joes (la brea bakery?)…
I saw your article about Sprouted Wheat Bread with Fruit and Nuts. Hammelman has a few recipes too. Anyway, I used the cuisinart making about a 67% hydration dough with starter and mixed grains. I mixed the dough in the Cuisinart about 80% of the way, and then added the soaked fruit and toasted nuts — but the nuts started grinding (so i had to quickly turn off the cuisinart and fold the additions in by hand. I have a kitchenaid (6 quart), but i’m not thrilled so far with the results. The cuisinart is usually pretty good. Usually, lately i’ve just been mixing by hand…
The bread came out great though… (I’d never baked this type of bread before)
Thanks for your blog, it’s really fun!
Count me in! Thanks for this and all the wonderful bread-baking help.
I’ve started breaking the recipe habit, and started baking by feel. There’s a great amount of break-geek information in a book called “Bread Builders” which focuses on sourdough.
This book sounds like it might provide the yeast bread side of the chemistry lesson.
Then again, Susan has given me a big shot of the educational juices in this blog too!
sounds like a great book! i’m crossing my finger! =P
thank you for the opportunity!
Looks like a great book. I’d like to join the draw.
Your blog is wonderful, thank you for your passion.
Best wishes
I am an amateur bread baker, and I love the process. Hopefully I can add this book to my collection and it will help me improve! Love the blog, by the way!
this sounds like a book my husband and i have wanting for quite a while!
Bread Geeks unite…….saw that book in Borders and although I own every bread book in existence there is always room for another good one.
Really, I need all this good stuff. And, without the book, tks again for your lovely and always useful web!
This sounds like a wonderful book. I’m a bread addict and would love to know more about making the perfect loaf.
Although I’ve been baking bread since I was in grade school (& am now in my 60’s), I find that there is always more to learn about making this elemntal food. Besides I LOVe reading cookbooks & food books. This volume sounds like one I’ll have to read.
I’ve always wanted to get more into baking a wide variety of breads, this would be a great incentive!
Oh excellent – I’ve been looking for a book like this. More technical instead of recipe-based and whatnot.
What a great incentive to get me back off my lazy butt and learning more about baking again! Crossing my fingers.
What a great blog! You are in my favorites and I visit often to get inspired and use the recipes. THANK YOU!
I grew up in a house where my mom baked bread all the time, this was the only way she could provide bread for the family. I learned to bake bread early on, but I know nothing about the science behind it and I am very interest to know that, as baking bread using variety of flours and other ingredients is very appealing and fun to me nowdays. I would love to have this book, thank you again for all that you share with us through your awesome blog.
I’d love to read this book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!
I want to make some bread!!
ptinaw at gmail.com
Sounds like a truly interesting book, I hope I get lucky =)
I love it when people visit me so I can bake more bread ;D
I’d love to enter – this looks like a great book!
I just started baking my own bread and this book looks like it would be a perfect starter for my collection.
pick me, pick me!!!!!
I have learned just enough about bread baking to get myself in trouble. I also don’t have any idea, for instance, how long dough should ferment-until it looks ready? Sounds like the book for me. Thanks.
i really really want this breadbook.
i really love your website.
Yes please! 1/170, how hard could it be? And thanks for a great blog!
I bake bread at least once a week and have been doing so for years. Last several years have been doing a lot of sourdough baking but mainly using only a handful of recipes. I like multigrain and no knead recipes also.
What’s this? A bread book I have yet to browse? I think I want it.
Another great edition on bread baking to add to the library.
Thanks for keeping us in the know!
Thanks for counting us in on this one.
I have been a bread baker for years and would love to know more of the science behind it. This book sounds killer!
I would love to have this book. If I don’t win i will be picking it up myself. Sounds great and thanks for the great bread website.
Sounds like a cool book. I”m so ready to take my bread baking to the next level.
I love to learn about the science behind bread baking. I think, I have to put it to my wishlist, too.
Ooooh! 😀 I love bread books! This one sounds wonderful! I’ll have to snag a copy! The basics would be great for me to learn so that I can assemble a REALLY GOOD pumpernickel bagel recipe. The ones out here on the left coast taste like chewy sweet cardboard. 🙁
I, too, am building an outdoor oven! I found your sight during a midnight google of “why won’t the clay dry?”
Would love to get my grubby hands on this book. Thanks for the competition and the wonderful site!
Love the website. Been getting more and more into bread-making here at home and crave anything and everything written about it.
I would very much like to have a copy of this book, yes I would.
This looks so good.
Thanks for the giveaway!
kimspam66(at) yahoo(dot)com
This sounds like a great book for a studious lover of bread baking like myself.
Just discovered your site and love it!
Who knew colonies of mycelia could be so much fun and taste so good. Thanks!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I just found your website for the first time. It is wonderful to travel. I’ve been making bread for decades, but only recently have discovered “artisan” bread and would so love to read Bread Baking: An Artisan’s Perspective . Even if I don’t win, I at least have the title on my “need to buy” list. Thanks so much.
Love your site…love baking bread of many kinds. I started with the Tassajara Bread Book back in the very late 70s, and have done many breads from The Breads of France.
Your site is an inspiration to me to try more breads and books.
Nice post. I enjoy this post gorgeously with all of my friends. Really nice.thanks.
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