I’m flattered if you think enough of my work to want to publish it on your own blog or website. Thank you for reading this page to make sure you abide by the licensing terms.
All photos and text on Wild Yeast, unless otherwise specified, are copyrighted by me and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
What this means:
If you publish one of my photos or videos, please place the words “Photo [Video] by Wild Yeast” either directly above or directly below the photo, with a link back to the specific post on Wild Yeast where the photo or video originally appeared. Please place a copy of the photo or video on your own server; do not hotlink to mine. This protects you in case I delete or rename it in the future, and avoids misappropriating my bandwidth.
If you publish one of my recipes verbatim, please place the words “Recipe by Wild Yeast” directly preceding the recipe, with a link back to the specific post on Wild Yeast where the recipe originally appeared. If my recipe was itself an adaptation, my crediting of the original source must appear with the recipe. Better yet, I suggest you consider simply linking to my recipe without reprinting it on your site.
If you adapt one of my recipes, depending on the extent of the adaptation, you may not be required to make an attribution, but it is always appreciated.
If you publish other text, or an entire post, please precede it immediately by the words “The following content originally appeared on Wild Yeast”, with a link back to the original post. If you translate my words into another language, please say “The following is a translation of content that originally appeared on Wild Yeast”, with a link back to the original post.
Please use a readable font of least 12-points for all attribution text, and make all links back to the specific Wild Yeast post, not the main page.
Please do not publish any of this work on a blog or website that is used for any type of commercial or revenue-producing purpose. This includes blogs that contain any paid advertising. Blogs that contain links to products through an affiliate or partner program (e.g., Amazon Associates) are excepted, as long as the links are to products clearly relevant to the blog’s main content. If the content you are reprinting from Wild Yeast contains any such links, please maintain them.
No Derivative Works
Please do not alter or build upon my content.
I might waive some or all of these requirements if you ask nicely.
If you would like to publish my content in a print medium, please contact me.
Thank you,