I posted these dragon tail baguettes a while ago, and here, as promised, is a video showing the shaping technique. I love it because it yields a connected string of easily-break-off-able, single-serving-sized rolls, without having to individually shape each one.
Note that the final shaping, which is shown here, is done on a fully proofed baguette just before it goes into the oven. The shaping of the original baguette is not shown here, but I’m planning to have a video of that soon, too. For a 50-cm (20-inch) baguette, eight or nine segments is about right.
(If you can’t see the video here, view it on YouTube.)
That’s really cool! I’m going to have to try it the next time I make baguettes.
Great video! I was really curios about this technique from the moment you posted the picture. I will try this the next time I bake baguettes.
very unique technique, will definitely try this, thanks for sharing:D
Thanks for sharing this video. I wanted to try this since I saw your dragon tail baguettes.
I just made Mexican Conchas, and I used your recipe for the topping. They came out really great!
I will give this a try. I can’t resist, since I just prepped my baguettes for the week! Thanks for providing such an informative and instructional video to demonstrate the process.
Thanks for the great video of the dragon tails. They’re a very clever and funtional idea. Looking forward to your video on baguette shaping.
Thank you for posting – I’ve been looking forward to this since your original photo of the dragon tails! I can’t wait to try it
Thanks for sharing Susan, you know I will sure practice this.
Oh, this is as adorable as adorable goes….
I bet it’s a lot harder to do than it seems from the video, but I’m tempted to give it a try (just bought a pizza stone for my electric oven, maybe I can risk baking a baguette)
Sound, clapping, bravo!
Thanks for the great video! I’ve done a scissor cut before, but i’ve never folded it all the way back. This would work great on a wreath bread as well.
Wow, those look amazing…can’t wait to give them a try. I’m always a bit disheartened when I make baguettes because they never come out very pretty but every time I see something new or delicious, I just want to get back and try my hand at another loaf.
Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on making the top 50 food blogs!
Gluten Free
That is so cool! The process is so much simpler than what I was imagining. And, it looks fantastic.
Susan, that is so neat. You did that so perfectly, so evenly spaced. I have to give this a try to impress my friends. That is if I can manage to do it.
My husband Ed has a total love affair with 80% hydration dough baguettes at the moment. I think his dough will be too sticky but I asked him to make a dragon tail anyway!
Hi Suzan and hello from Israel…
I am just an amateur home baker with dreams…
your blog is my favorite one ( OK and the fresh loaf too….)
anyway, I noticed you are using 100% hydration sourdough. my new sourdough ( 2 weeks) is 75% hydration based on white wheat flour ( I think its called 75% , I feed it with 3\4 water and 1 flour).
so, in your opinion what shuold I do with your receips ? just add more water to the dough ? or do nothing ?
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excellent video and great shape to practice making. Amazingly faster than regular rolls. THANKS!
That is so cool!! And so simple too. Many many thanks for posting this, Susan. (I can’t wait to try it!)
Just love that. Thanks so much for sharing, I’ll definitely try that out next time I’m making baguette.
Great! Will be trying this with the little nephews and nieces the next time we make bread together. They’ll be impressed (maybe even get one to become a baker)!
Thanks for sharing all you have learned ! This is great stuff !