Why are all of your measurements in grams? Can you convert them to cups for me?
Please read about why I believe using metric weight measurements is the best way to bake. I cannot accommodate conversion requests, but I do have a post in which I help you do the conversions for yourself.
Can I substitute ingredients in your recipes?
Of course you can. But please don’t hold me responsible for the results! Please read my thoughts on tweaking.
Do you have a recipe for the thing I want to bake?
I recommend searching Wild Yeast using the search box in the navigation menu in the header.
Will you promote my website/product/book/store/recipe/kickstarter project/single-payer health care?
Yes on the last one. Otherwise, I am not doing promotional/sponsored/giveaway posts at this time. If you would like to advertise in my sidebar, please contact me for my current rates.
Can I post your content on my blog?
We can probably work something out, but please ask me first! Send me as many details as possible in your request.
Why don’t you have any gluten-free bread recipes?
I enjoy baking and eating breads made with flours that contain gluten. Gluten lends a structure to bread that is impossible to replicate with gluten-free ingredients, although those ingredients can certainly produce tasty and nutritious baked goods. There are some wonderful bakers out there who are experts in baking for various dietary restrictions, but I am not one of them.