Let’s get the bad news out of the way first: unless you are WAHiker, aka Michael of Snohomish, Washington, you didn’t win the Super Peel. Congratulations to Michael!
But I have two pieces of good news, so the good news wins.
First, it’s not too late to put that excellent Super Peel on your holiday wish list. Come on, you know you want it.
Second, there is plenty of other free and fantastic stuff being given away all over food blog land, and to make it easy for you to find it, I’ve launched a new blog, Compliments of the Kitchen. It’s a list of food blog giveaways in a straightforward, just-the-facts-ma’am format. Take a look and tell me what you think. And if you know about any current giveaways that I’ve missed, please feel free to let me know!
Wow. I am majorly impressed. And stoked. This is a very cool thing you’re doing and I think the website is set up wonderfully.
But thanks!
A really great idea. How do you get your information? Do folks notify you when they are having a giveaway?
That is taking thoughtfulness to another level! I appreciate you doing so much, Susan! Thanks, and congrats to Michael! It is going to be an ideal kitchen companion!
That is such a great idea , Susan. I really like it!
love the new website it’s very fun & informative! Thanks!!
Very nice idea!
I love how food bloggers are such nice people 🙂
Compliments of the Kitchen looks great!
Hi Susan,
Just wanted you to know that I have an award for you on my site.
I checked this out last night, meant to post and tell you how cool it was, but I became so lost in it that I never came back here to say so. Ooops. Anyway, what a cool idea–thanks for doing it!
P.S. Your story on my blog about the dog burying the phone CRACKED me up. Thanks goodness my dog does not steal and bury things. I guess there could be worse things than a food thief!