Image courtesy of SF Food Wars
Attention Bay Area bakers, eaters, and drinkers — mark your calendars and start your ovens, SF Food Wars is going yeast!
On January 31, SF Food Wars and the San Francisco Baking Institute will sponsor Yeast Affliction! All-out Artisan Bread Bakedown & Craft Beer Tastiness. Twenty of the Bay Area’s most fearless bakers (including yours truly) will go head to head at Thirsty Bear in San Francisco to see whose loaf will win over the judges and capture the imaginations and the taste buds of the attendees.
Bakers: If you want to do battle, get your application in now. But consider yourself warned — you (and I) will face some seriously formidable competition from several of my SFBI classmates. Not only are they very talented, but they’re very competitive. (Did I say I was fearless? I lied. I’m scared, and you should be too. These people make good bread.)
Eaters: Tickets go on sale on Wednesday, January 13 on the SF Food Wars website. A ticket means you get to come and taste all the bread. Of course, you are free to vote for whichever bread you think is well and truly the best. (If you are in my family, however, you might do well to remember which side your bread is buttered on.)
Drinkers: A ticket also gets you a free beer to go with the bread.
So, see you there?
Oh darn! I can’t make it, too many miles, not enough time. Oh, but I wasn’t going to enter; I was going to come and vote for YOUR bread. 😉
Maybe I can get my daughter and son-in-law to head south for the day? …. I must bribe them by telling them I’ll buy their tickets. You are more than worth it. 🙂 Now I must run and see what day of the week this is…
Oh, by the way. I LOVE that poster!
Susan, you’ve made macarons and layered cakes that involve multiple components! How are you *not* a fearless baker? I’m excited to see what you’ll make!
Kick ass Susan, if I could I’d be your commis!
Good luck!
I wish I could be there. Since my wonderful weekend at SFBI, I have become a bread making energizer bunny. I live alone, the freezer is full and I am taking bread to work, to the hairdressers, and just about every place I go. They are getting tastier and I am getting better, but not ready for prime time, yet.
Good luck Susan and thanks for all of your help and instruction.
I may have to come if I don’t out of town that weekend.
Not sure I have the guts to participate as a baker.
Wow, bread battle! I wish I lived closer.
WOW Susan,
I wish you the best of luck. You deserve to win.
Am on the other side of the country, Susan, so can’t be there – but I’ll be rooting for you!. Someone should set up a webcam of the event.
Good luck! This looks like such a fun and worthy event. Wish I lived in the Bay Area so I could attend.
Go Susan! Wishing you lots of excitement, you’ve got the crumb to do it!
hi Susan, been ‘stalking’ your blog for some time and remain impressed at your enthusiasm and exploits! I’m fortunate to be visiting the Bay Area over the next couple of weeks (but not fortunate enough to be there for this Bread Wars event! boo!) and am wondering if it may be possible to pop into the SFBI and have a look around at the weekend. Is it open on Saturdays? Do they mind strangers ‘popping round’ more or less unannounced? 🙂
I’m rooting for you Susan! The breads you have displayed here over the years look like winner quality, so do yourself proud!