I know I’ve said this before (and before and before and before), but I need to weigh in on this again:
If you’re not weighing your ingredients, you should be!
If you don’t know why, go scoot and read my small rant on weighing. (Summary: It’s accurate. It’s fast. It’s neat. Everyone who’s anyone is doing it.) Then come back, because I have something you might want.
For two years my trusty scale has been a My Weigh i5000. I love it because:
- it is spot-on accurate
- it can weigh in either grams (to 1-gram precision) or pounds and ounces (to 0.5-ounce precision)
- it has a capacity of 5 kg
- it is slim and lightweight and fits easily in a kitchen drawer (although I leave mine out because I use it daily)
I love my scale so much I thought I’d ask the people at My Weigh if they would give me one that I could give to one of you, and they were nice enough to say yes.
Actually, they were doubly nice, because they sent me not only an i5000, but one of their new scales, a KD-8000. I haven’t used this one (if you win it, you have to promise to fill me in on how well you like it), but it looks great. It’s bigger than the i5000, with an 8-kg capacity, and has what looks like a very cool baker’s percentage function.
I will choose a winner for each scale by random drawing. To be eligible, just leave a comment saying:
- which scale you would like to win. If you would be happy with either, you can say that too.
- whether you are currently weighing your ingredients, or are ready to make the switch from volume to weights.
Get your comment in by 11:59 PST on Friday, June 5. And apologies to my international friends, this one’s for US shipping addresses only.
What an awesome giveaway, I would be grateful to win either scale!! I’m definitely looking to change from volumes to weights, not only so I can check out your great recipes, but also so I can start working with more European/non-American recipes in general.
I have heard so much about weighing that I really need to learn how.
Either scale would be great but the one you use seems nice as it is smaller.
Great giveaway,
I’d be happy with either, currently I’m using an old spring scale but the capacity is rather low.
I’d love either scale, I weigh now when I can find recipes with weights, and I’m slowly converting old recipes as I go.
Oh my god! I almost forgot, thanks to my cat I woke up and was checking out the latest on my favorite blogs!
Don’t you dislike when your scales battery dies, or you can’t get it to weigh like 1 gram because it only goes to 5grams!
Anyway, thanks for the wonderful giveaway!(nudge, nudge!)
Happy baking!
This is such a great giveaway! I’m a go-by-taste/feel kind of cook when it comes to making dinner, but I’ve been baking more and more lately and would really like to try weighing ingredients to be a little more disciplined and a lot more accurate. I’d be thrilled to win either scale, though since I’m a sucker for the latest technology, I guess I might prefer the 8000. 🙂
I just wanted to pop in and say I have the i5000 too…and I love it! It’s the best scale I’ve used! Whoever wins this, you’ll be absolutely thrilled with it!
This is a great giveaway. I currently do not weigh my ingredients, but the only thing stopping me is the expensive price of accurate scales, so I would be happy if I won either.
I’d be happy with either one. I am currently not using a scale for baking because my old large one broke so most of my current recipes are done by feel.
I would be happy with either one. I currently do use a scale to measure many things, but I’ll be moving and will need a new one.
I would love to win this scale. I do not have one and I know it would make a lot of difference with my baking. Thank you
I would love to win this scale. I do not have one and I know it would make a difference in my baking. Thank you.
The KD-8000 sounds great, as you should have equipment that exceeds your known needs, just in case. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this wonderful giveaway with us!
i weigh for bread making, but not regular baking…i would love either scale! thanks!
Wow – how generous! I would be really happy with either scale. There are far too many recipes that I have to skip over because I don’t have a scale and am too chicken (or too wise) to attempt to convert. Thanks!
I would love either one !!!I can use it for A lot of recipes that I would like to try !!
I’d be grateful to win either! I do weight ingredients….most of the time. I haven’t converted any of my older recipes yet.
I would be happy with either one. I do not currently weigh my ingredients. The only thing keeping me from doing so is the cost of a scale! If I were to win, I suspect I’d also use the scale to weigh yarn.
Don’t enter me in the contest–I just wanted to say that I’ve got the i5000 and love it (it was recommended on another cooking blog that I read, cooking for engineers). My father got it for me for Christmas, somewhat incredulously (“You really want a scale?!”) but it’s a terrific tool. It’s great of you to give one away.
BTW I love your blog. I made your “Norwich Sourdough” for the first time yesterday, and it was very good.
I have been looking at scales and have been hesitant to purchase one because I’m on a strict budget. Thus, I would be very happy with either scale. Of course, if I had to choose, I would pick the newest model. However, I truly would feel blessed to have any type of scale. I hope I win!!
Thanks for offering this giveaway! Thanks to My Weight for offering two of their scales as well! 😀
Wow, I would LOVE to win! I’ll take either. I don’t currently weight, but I want to start and I just need a good excuse – like a good scale. 🙂
I want to win either one!
I am not currently weighing my ingredients (which is especially shameful since I live in the South and humidity is WHOA crazy, making everything wonky!) I need to win so that I can start doing things right 😉
Another awesome giveaway-
You certainly do have an in with those that count!
I currently use a very old scale- battered and worn-that measures in ounces only. It would be fantastic to have one capable of measuring in grams as well ( No more messy conversions) And- the possibility of measuring in Bakers’ percentages would be a wonderful bonus –
That said-I would love to have either model-
Thanks for the invitation to participate in your giveaway!
Good luck to all entrants!
Oh, I’m in for either of the scales; I’m hoping to move to the UK in the near future and it would be positively brilliant to be able to continue using my favorite recipes without retooling and tweaking them. (Yes, I am in the States for the next while.) Right now, I’m still using volume mostly, but there’s one kitchen I have access to which has a scale, and I *swear* the cakes I made there are better than the ones I make at home.
The kd8000 looks frickin’ sweet! I have an OXO that I use once in a while. But I don’t believe it is as accurate as the scales you are offering. That said, I would definitely let you know how this scale functions if I win.
I generally use balance scales. I have no idea how anybody manages to cook/bake without the use of scales.
Both scales look awesome! I currently measure most things by volume and only make a trek upstairs to use the postage scale for certain things like chocolate.
i love to hear about tools that really work and help me in the kitchen. I have been using a salter scale and i do love it though it’s on it’s last leg. Since i use both metric and us weighs i need a scale that can do both and the salter fit that bill however i am having a hard time now switching it over and will need to ge a new one soon. I would love to win this one to replace my old one.
I currently weigh my ingredients and can’t tell you how much that has helped my bread baking. I would be happy to upgrade to either of the scales you are giving away.
I’ve recently started weighing my ingredients & it does make a difference! However, I would love to still be the winner of one of the nifty giveaway scales even though I have a scale in my kitchen, albeit an inexpensive one from Target.
Mine sits on the counter next to my starter. I use it every day too and I wouldn’t mind getting the larger model. 😉 Thank you for organizing this Weigh-in Giveaweigh.
I’d be happy to win either scale.
I currently have an old chemical balance beam scale, which is a nuisance to get out, and I don’t have official weights for it, so I don’t actually use it as often as I would weigh ingredients if I had a more convenient scale.
hi there! i’d be thrilled to win either scale. i don’t currently weigh my baking ingredients, and sometimes find myself avoiding recipes that use weight rather than volume. i’d love to make the switch in my baking.
(also, i am a rather obsessive knitter, and sometimes it is really helpful to be able to weigh your yarn to divide it equally in terms of grams and to predict whether there will be enough for a particular project…)
I’d be happy to win either. I currently do not weigh…I measure, but have been reading that weighing is much better.
My current scale is only accurate for air. But since I don’t bake with air, it does me no good! I of course would love either as they would allow me to weigh the ingredients, which I currently do not do. What a wonderful give away.
Oh this is so exciting! I would be delighted with either scales as I have yet to switch over to weighing from measuring. Winning one of these would definitely expidite that transition!
i have been waiting for the right opportunity to switch from volume to weight, and this might be it! I’d like to win the Weigh i5000 (partly because i keep wanting to call it the iWeigh – like the ipod, etc.)
either would be great. I have a scale, but I use it more often to weigh yarn than to make bread. I’m trying to switch
I would love to win the i5000! I like its compact size and I doubt I will ever need to weigh anything that was over 5 kg. I do currently weigh my ingredients but my scale is a yard sale find that is not digital and only goes up to about a pound and a half, both of which make it somewhat frustrating to work with!
What a great giveaway. Either scale would be wonderful. Right now I mainly weight my dough when I divide it because I am awful at trying to get equal size loaves and rolls. It just never happens if I don’t weight it. 🙂
I would be delighted with either scale. I am a hybrid baker – i weigh for some recipes, mostly those from my Welsh grandmother, and use volume measurements for others. I’m trying to switch more recipes over to weights.
I would love either scale. I have always been weighing (am originally from Europe), but both scales I have are not very accurate. The non-digital one is good with bigger amounts and I bought a digital one for the smaller amounts like salt, yeast, etc. However it does a very poor job with that, so that I always find myself converting 10 grams and such amounts into table- and teaspoons. Not too precise, unfortunately!
I would be thrilled to win either scale. I just took my first bread baking class and would like to begin the transition from volume to weight. Thanks for the opportunity!
What a great give away! I would be happy with either scale. I have just recently started scaling my ingredients. It is so much easier than measuring!
I’ve been weighing for years! But I have a scale that goes to 1kg max, which makes for a lot of putting things on the scale and taking them off again. And it doesn’t do ounces. But I still find it much easier to use weight than volume measurements!
The Baker’s Percentage tool looks interesting, so I’d like to try the 8000.
I would love the larger one because I do weigh meat occasionally (using a REALLY old and “cheap” scale).
It is not accurate enough to weigh ingredients for baking. I have looked at so many different scales and have read so many user comments and still can’t decide which to buy. This would solve my problem. I do have a problem…I think I have gained 10 lbs just by reading all the fabulous recipes on your site. I love it anyway.
Hi Susan, my current scale is circling the drain – won’t tare, have to turn off altogether to change units & is getting generally stubborn about doing its job. I would love either scale, but the one that would calculate baker’s percentages would be fun to play with, Patsy
I would love to try either one! I do not weigh my ingredients, but have wanted to start for a while now. Unfortunately, a good scale is not in the budget at this juncture. Thank you for running this drawing!
I currently only have a cheap analog scale. It stinks. I’d love to win either scale though!
I would love either scale! I have an old postal scale that I’ve been using forever, but it’s often too small or doesn’t take enough weight and it’s so old I keep expecting it to die on me. And the most irritating part is that it will turn itself off in the middle of weighing and then I have to start over! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
As with everyone else – either scale would be fantastic! I would like to sell my products, so, the larger one would be what I would lean towards, but, as I said, either one would be wonderful to win. I learned to use a scale in a baking course I took, but have not been able to purchase one. I am a stickler about doing things just so, so to be honest, I have not baked bread since I took the course because I learned that weighing the ingredients was the way to do it! Thank you for having all these great give-a-ways!!!
I would LOVE the larger one for big bread-baking binges 🙂 What a fun giveaway! I have to say that *sometimes* I weigh ingredients, but only really when the instructions include them. I’m horrible about doing it on my own so I’d say I need the push!
Either one would be wonderful! I still measure, as I don’t have a scale:) Thanks for the giveaway!!
Thank you for this really great give-away! It is very generous of you. I very much enjoy your blog! Thank you for that also. I would be very, very happy to win either scale.
I would love to win either. I weigh sometimes until my scale broke! Yes, I would change and weigh in everything.
I’d love to win the My Weigh i5000 – I currently do not weigh my ingredients, but know that’s why some of my projects don’t turn out as well as they should.
I would love to win either one. I currently have an analog scale that often gets stuck. It would be great to finally get an accurate reading!
I’d love to win either; I’m trying (slowly…) to make the switch to weighing.
Wow Susan, you sure have some great giveaways! I would love either scale, but as bread is what I use my current not-so-precise-nor-accurate scale for, I think I would prefer the new model with baker’s percentage – how cool is that?!
My scale just broke (got flour into the switch contacts). I loved my scale but, now that I found the switch was so exposed to allow that to happen, I’d love to win this one!
Thanks for doing this, Susan.
I’d be happy with either scale. I am using a scale currently — and highly recommend weighing ingredients — but I can’t say I’m very happy with my current scale. It doesn’t show small enough weight increments to be useful. Plus, I could really use a new scale to take to culinary school this fall.
Thanks again,
Happy to participate in the giveaway!
I mostly weigh the ingredients, use volume when precision is not absolutely necessary.
I am about to convert some of my recipes in wight since I will be selling products at the farmers’ market and I need precision for quality control and pricing.
A better scale would surely help!
Happy baking!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would be absolutely thrilled with either scale. I am an adherent of weight over volume and currently weigh my ingredients, especially when baking. But my current scale is nowhere near precise enough, so I’d love a new one!
Thank you for the chance at winning. I wouldn’t mind winning either of these. I’ve been wanting to switch to weights when baking for a while now,
Thanks again!
I already weigh my ingredients, and am constantly converting recipes. This giveaway comes at the perfect time, since my previous weighing scale just died 🙂
Oooo! The KD-8000! My scale doesn’t go up that high, and sometimes I need one that will. Also, while I can weigh in metric and standard weights, it’s quite the production to tinker with my scale to get it to do that.
Yes, I’m weighing my bread ingredients when I can, and it’s great because I just tare the bowl, and start piling ingredients in, without having to deal with measuring cups.
Any is good for me. I weigh everything. I make into a whole game. I sing to myself while weighing the flour.
Darn, they are both fancy and I would love either. Right now, I am not baking, but I did start weighing stuff last fall thanks you. I think the weighing is better, but my scale kind of sucks.
I would like to win either scale. I have always weigh my ingredients for baking and candy making. My husband who thought was doing me a favor washed my electronic scale and well, I am sure you all know the outcome.
Thanks for the great give-a-way,
I would be happy with either scale!
what a fantastic give away!
thank you!
What a great giveaway! Either scale looks really, really nice. I have been thinking about a scale for forever now, but just haven’t made the purchase. This would definitely be the springboard to make that happen.
I would be so happy with either scale! I just started weighing my food on my little dial scale and it does make a difference. I would love to have a scale that is more precise. Thanks!
Oooh, I would so love either scale. I do weigh my ingredients on a (excuse my French) truly crappy, half broken old scale that weighs in increments of 20 grams and quite possibly not too accurate. I have wanted a new scale for so long! A good one! If I win this I guarantee lots of use and lots of love!
I’d love to win the KD-8000. I bought an inexpensive scale last year, and have since become quite obsessed about scaling everything. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I’d love either, but the extra-cool KD-8000 would be my preference. I’ve been weighing my ingredients for about a year and it gives me such comfort knowing that I’ve done all I can in that area to ensure baking success. I weigh pretty much everything! (My husband laughs at me about it.) My current scale is a generic one from Target that does its job, but is certainly nothing remarkable.
I’d prefer the newer one but be happy with either. I currently weight my ingredients whenever I can but unfortunately most North American baking books don’t give weighted ingredients, I wish they would.
Ooo, want either one. I’m trying to weigh without a digital scale for baking and I imagine it’d be much nicer with!
Would love either…am currently weighing, but would love a better/newer one!
I have been baking for years with the scoop and level the top method and have had a range of results. Would love to move to a weight based method and would be grateful for either scale.
Great idea! I just made your cinnamon rolls and weighed the ingredients for the first time. It was easy, fun to do with the kids, and made great cinnamon rolls! I’m in! Will now weigh ingredients!
I would love either scale. Mine is older and we have not treated it well, since I wasn’t using it very often, but I am committed to weighing now.
Thanks for your amazing blog, the plethora of recipes, beautiful pictures, and inspiration.
Either scale would be great. The scale I have now is only accurate within about 2 or 3 ounces. It’s actually worse than measuring by volume so I still measure by volume for 99% of what I do.
Great giveaway! I don’t have a scale for my kitchen, but I would love one–either one. I’d like to start weighing ingredients; it is much more precise. Love your blog!
I would love either scale! I am a new to baking bread and am learning so much. I have always just measured my ingredients. I do the scoop & sweep method for measuring flour, but would love to switch over to measuring ingredients as accurately as possible!
Ha are you kidding, either one sounds divine but the one with baker’s % sounds like something from a dream! Either would be grand and much better than the one I have. But at least this means I must be somebody because I do weigh everything bigger than a tablespoon ;o)
I would like either. I currently have a scale, but it doesn’t seem to be that accurate when weighing a small amount (like <10g), so I don’t really trust it. I just haven’t gotten around to getting another scale or testing it against something else. 🙁
Thanks so much for such a great giveaway. I’d be honored to have either. I’ve been weighing ingredients for the last 8 years and can’t turn back!!
Sounds great, either would be fine, but the bakers percentage one would be nice!
As European (Swiss) I weigh everything in grams to the one gram level. I can not get used to cups, spoons and all that stuff…………..
That KD-8000 looks awesome, but I’d be happy with either really. And I’m trying to make the transition to weighing ingredients. It takes a bit more effort, so sometimes I’m lazy, but I’m getting better at it!
I would love either of these high tech scales. I’m sure they are waaaay better than the little analog target scale I use now that was like 5 bucks.
Oooooooh. Look at those sleeeeek lines. That bright readout! That teeny-tiny little weight it will measure!
I’m starting to have scale envy, and for once it doesn’t involve my hips!
Let me tell you, dealing with Reinhart when he has things like “.13oz” when your cheapie scale only reads down to 1/8th oz (and not even in decimals!) is a PITA. His book “American Pie” has me crying right now, actually – it’s all in VOLUMES! *shudder*
I would love to win the i5000 scale (my space is limited). I have been convinced of the value of weighing ingredients in improving my bread baking (I am returning to bread baking after decades long break) and this scale would be so appreciated!
Darnit. Browser glitch :/
I’d love, love, love to be able to measure in baker’s percentags, just for clarification, but I’d be happy with either!
As much as my bakery days have shown me how awesome weighing ingredients are, when it comes to home baking I’m more of an eyeballer. Either scale would be a delightful step to making the switch!
I’d love that 8000, since the MyWeigh I have now (otherwise a great scale) doesn’t have a stainless top, or a splatter cover, both of which would make clean up much easier.
Gosh, the My Weigh i5000 sounds like it would fit well in my small kitchen! I have a cheap scale now that is fussing and making plans to quit, I can tell.
I keep encouraging all my friends they to “weigh in” with all their cooking — it has made a believer out of me since the results of my baking has improved.
Thanks for the offer –
I have been weighing my ingredients lately (since truly taking your “rant” to heart) and have in fact sent many others to read your words and convert them to weighers. I am now quite dubious of recipes that don’t include weights. On the other hand, using the scale and working with the dough the way the recipe author wanted gives you a better sense of the feel of the dough and how to handle recipes with volume measures. Either scale would be great to help spread the weighing word.
I would love to win the KD-8000. I carefully weigh everything I say as well as my baking ingredients.
Either would be fine with me, Susan.
Hi Susan,
Another benefit from using a scale is that one’s brain gets some friendly exercise when you scale (up or down) the recipe in use.
It’s like easy Sudoku for bakers!
by the weigh…
Weigh To Go, My Weigh!
I’d be happy with either one. I’m not currently weighing my ingredients, but I’d like to start.