I took this photo at the Marché Saxe-Breteuil in Paris, in April of 2007. Per the sign, the Pain de Campagne was 8.86 euros per kilo (that’s $5.36 a pound).
I’m sending this one to Bee and Jai (jugalbandi) for their Red-themed January Click! photo event.
More photos from the market:
Beautiful photographs Susan. Good luck!
Sigh you make me so long for a Paris market now! They are always such show stoppers!
What gorgeous photos! And what fun that must have been…
Hope you got some recipes?
Everything looks so fresh and alive. What a wonderful market. You must have had a ball!
Those photos of the pain de campagne are fascinating. It looks like the dough was sliced into sections before baking: the cut surfaces are browned. It almost looks like the bread was baked twice. Do you know anything about how they do that?
From the browning, it certainly looks like the pain de campagne was baked in a wood-fired oven, too.
The best bread I ever tasted was on my honeymoon, driving through France. We stopped in a small village (never knew the name) at a bakery. It was dimly lit, with two bins of long sicks of bread standing behind the baker, who was a small, somewhat sour looking woman. We bought two loaves. My wife was driving, and I started to nibble on one of the loaves. Before I knew it, I’d finished it. I kept trying to define the flavour – the levain? The fire? I’m still not sure, sixteen years later, and I still remember it.
Sorry – “sticks of bread”, not “sicks”
I know this is a recipe site, however, I need prayer from everyone out there.
My husband’s nephew, 6 year old Dylan Moore, from Gaston , North Carolina , been diagnosed
with Fanconia Anemia and is very sick
in the hospital at Minneapolis Minn . where he has had a bone marrow transplant.
Around Christmas time his kidneys failed and he had to go an dialysis and be put on a ventilator.
Well he sort of improved after people and churches prayed for him in mass numbers.
Now he has a fever of 105 degrees, has developed tumors behind his heart and the lymph nodes.
His oxygen level has decreased and he has infection in his lungs.
The doctors have done a biopsy on the tumors in the lymph nodes, no report yet, and they are talking about
going into the ones behind his heart, which I understand will be very serious surgery.
Dylan has been thru so much, I don’t know how much more his little body can take.
I am asking all of you to
pray for him, take it to your friends, family and Churches, ask God to heal
him so he can come home a healthy little body.
There is a site: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/dylanmoore
that tells about Dylan. Please log into it and read
it and tell your friends to please pray for him.
This is from his Granny Frances and Papa Whit.
We are the closest thing to grandparents that he has.
Thank you for letting me put this on your site.
You can send Dylan at card at
Dylan Moore
920 Delaware St. S.E.
Apt 2024
Minneapolis, MN 55414
His parents have an apartment there and he will get the mail quicker than sending it to the hospital.
University of Minnesota Children’s Hospital-Fairview
500 Harvard Street
Pediatric BMT Room 5-516
Mpls, MN 55455
That market looks fantastic! I am drooling on my keyboard right now… 🙂
This type of French sourdough is probably the most common, but 8 € a kilo???? I hope it’s organic at that price!
Beautiful picture.
Awesome photos.. Looks like really really wet dough. Would go really well with the. uh.. ostrich eggs I guess.
Those scallops on the shell… Oh my.