I like this blog to be informative. Looking at the search terms that land people here helps me know what information they are looking for. Sometimes, though, I think they’re let down because I haven’t really addressed the topic in the way they probably expected.
I don’t like to disappoint, so allow me to address a few of those search terms now:
firmament baking stone — It’s not hot enough in the firmament for a baking stone. Try going in the other direction.
potatoe bread — I only do potato bread, but Dan Quayle may be able to help you out.
does putting bread yeast in my septic do any good? — I’m not sure, but I put my yeast in the refrigerator, and that works fine.
how to make a miche slip cover — I don’t slipcover my miches unless I’m having company, and then I usually just get one of those cheapo ones from Target and add a few beads for that personalized touch.
my eclair cannot pop up — I’m always getting spam about remedies for this. I’d be happy to forward some of it on if you send me your email address.
Got to love the keywords people put into Google. The best google hit I’ve had was from someone putting Housewife bangers into google. They must have been v disappointed when they landed on my blog post about sausages and mash!
heehee…the things that people search for! =)
What? What? What?
Thanks for the laugh!
I am just a newbie with this, but could not believe when I got several hits from someone looking for “bewitching oil”
sorry, I have no recipe for THAT! 🙂
Very funny. Especially like the heavenly baking stone! Septic tank not too bad either. Thanks for sharing.
Oh I so needed a Monday giggle! One of my other hobbies is knitting. My favorite knitting blogger gets the craziest Google searches on her blog…
Such a fun and clever post!
Oh, the eclair one made me laugh out loud. What a hoot.
Too funny! Thanks for the post…
To paraphrase Carl Sagan:
“We’re made of star stuff. Even our baking stones.”
I have no idea why, but someone was looking for a porn site, and I was linked to on a porn site for . . . my chocolate cream pie. Don’t ask me why, I’m not imaginative enough to figure out why.
OMG, 2funny! :)))))))
you are hilarious! Love this post 🙂
I love this post too!
;-D !!!
It’s amazing what all people search for.