Congratulations to the winner of the Advanced Bread and Pastry giveaway: talented baker and artist Alla Johnson (Art by Alla)!
For the rest of you, all is not lost — you can still get a copy of the book by ordering it directly from SFBI (this option helps to support the school) or from Amazon. If you want the recipe for those hazelnut squares, you’ll just have to get the book.
Congratulations, Alla! I think you’ll be enjoying that wonderful gift for years to come.
Thank you for congratulations.
I am the lucky winner—I can”t believe yet, I can”t wait to kisses and to hugs the book.I will enjoying and baking from this fabulous book a lat.My hart still fluttered and I going to dancing and to jumping all day long.
I love life, I love art, I love to bake… and making bread,
then life is ** beautiful and tasty**around your get more derive pleasure from life .
I like to create not only pictures-cookery for me it too the big source for creativity.The meal made by the hands also absorbs your energy and consequently. I delight looking on beautifully laid meal on my plate – fine am more tasty test and surprising around of us it is necessary to look around.
I love the Susan*s blog and always enjoying it . I learned a lat from this blog.Whole Susan”s breads looks as masterpieces.
Thank you very mach for the wonderful gift.
Keep baking! Happy happy baking!
Alla, that is just about the sweetest thing I’ve ever read! Your happiness jumps right off the page and reading your note certainly brightened my day. The people around you who receive food made with that much love and joy are lucky indeed. ‘Happy happy baking’ to you, too!
Alla, congratulations and happy baking adventures to you. I’ve peeked at your website and will be back to enjoy it more. You are truly a gifted and talented individual. Enjoy your new treat!
Alla, I’m so happy you won this.
The winners are going to love that book.
But wait- those tables look like my workbench at SFBI. Is that Frank or Kate behind the cooling rack? 🙂
Enjoy the book. It’s a great resource.